Taking it to the street: F.O.I promote peace nationwide

(FinalCall.com) – It seems as if everywhere in the country, violent crime, murder and a general lack of respect for human life is increasing. Muslim men mobilized nationally at the call of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to work to halt this tragic, troubling trend.
The Minister and the Fruit of Islam were on the move July 23 in three yellow school busses that pulled out of the lot of Mosque Maryam in Chicago. The work this Monday night would be local as Min. Farrakhan and the F.O.I. focused on the South Shore community, which includes the ward where the mosque is located.
The first stop was east of the mosque in a blighted area known as “Terror Town,” where crime has helped to propel South Shore to near the top of city statistics for violence.
Neighborhood residents told The Final Call that drug dealing is rampant, killing and robberies take place regularly, and although children were playing outside, today, no one feels safe.
Joanne Buchanan, 65, was robbed two months ago and had to have 18 staples in her head. Her assailant cut her head “from the back to the front.”
“Drugs have taken over, the police don’t care, they don’t come,” said Ms. Buchanan.
Nilaja McDaniel has lived in the neighborhood for the last 40 years. When she was on the bus and all the cars turned, she knew right away it was the F.O.I. She first thought something bad had happened, then she noticed it was the Minister with the brothers.
“It was overwhelming,” said Ms. McDaniel. “We need it in the community. The Minister is a positive influence and a great warrior,” she added. Residents lined the street and one woman shouted, “Thank you, thank you in the name of Jesus!” as the Muslims came down the street. Another woman pleaded: “Please come get my son, he is out here shooting people. He needs to be with you all in suits!”
“We need all the support we can get out here to stop the violence and this is what everybody needs right here today, for this man (Min. Farrakhan) to come out,” said a longtime South Shore resident who only gave her name as Ms. Houston. “He is a leader. People are led by him everywhere and they honor him and look up to him. This could change things.”
Arthur Reed, a 70 year-old business owner who also lives in the area, does not feel safe. He closes his business every day at 6 p.m. because after dark is often when the real trouble starts. He was glad to see the Minister and the Fruit of Islam, it brought a greater sense of security and possibility.
Clara Coleman, 46, who has lived in the area for 20 years agreed that the neighborhood has troubles. But, she added, the issue is that these young men have no jobs. Hopefully seeing the Minister and the Muslim men will show the youth another way besides gangs, she said. “They see the brothers over here and they see what they could become, and it might change a little bit,” said Ms. Coleman. “I sure hope so.”
“I think that Minister Farrakhan is the medicine that our community needs. People are here reaching out to him, embracing him, it’s very emotional to see how people that are hurting and in pain are coming and asking for his help. I think it’s wonderful that he came to meet the needs of a community that is really struggling with a lot of social issues and a lot of social ills—to embrace a community that really needs love,” said 8th Ward Alderman Michelle Harris.
“As a Black mother, I am outraged, but I’m more outraged because people are not upset about it, I’m outraged that people don’t want to get out here and beat the drum and say ‘hey what’s going on?’ ”
“This is amazing. Just his presence in the community has just done wonders,” said 5th Ward Alderman Leslie Hairston. “The way that people respond to him is something that has never been seen in the community before.”
Ms. Hairston, whose ward includes the area surrounding Mosque Maryam, said members of the Nation of Islam live in the area and are always working to make a difference. She believes the Nation’s approach is more effective than the tactics used by the police.
“The difference about the Nation of Islam is that they come in from a position of strength and they come in from a position of love,” she said.
Abdul Hafeez Muhammad, of the Nation of Islam’s historic Muhammad Mosque No. 7, told The Final Call that in New York City the men of the Nation’s Fruit of Islam moved throughout the community July 16, the first Monday night the Minister called for the men to be in the streets. Mosque No. 7 had 98 F.O.I. and Brooklyn Mosque No. 7C had 68 F.O.I. greeting, imparting guidance and offering good news, and hearing the thoughts and experiences from Black people.
The F.O.I. covered areas in Central Harlem were Mosque No. 7 is located and in East New York were Mosque No. 7C is located. Both areas have seen an increase in violence.
In Harlem, the men covered one of many large housing projects, the St. Nicholas Houses, and in Brooklyn, Muslims went to Cypress Hill Houses.
A month ago, Muhammad Mosque No. 7 held a “Stop the Killing” rally and have been in the streets trying to bring peace and lessen conflict. Student Minister Muhammad said the Muslims were received with high spirits and excitement as well-dressed and disciplined men and youth stepped into their neighborhoods.
“It was important for the men of Muhammad Mosque No.7, New York City, to be in unity with our fellow members of our brotherhood first because we all received an instruction from our leader, teacher, and guide the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Secondly to follow him and his example of going to our people where they are and speak to them about this senseless and rampant violence and how we can eradicate it. Lastly, as we have been taught: ‘In our unity is our strength. Our unity is more powerful than a nuclear weapon and Our unity will solve 95 percent of our problems.’”
He also thanked Muslim women for their spirit and support.
Tony Muhammad, the Nation of Islam’s Western Regional Representative, is no stranger to the streets. He’s led many door-to-door campaigns, peace rallies and marches on behalf of young victims of violence. Previously, he and the F.O.I. focused on three major housing projects that experienced gang activity and police raids—Nickerson Gardens, Jordan Downs and Imperial Courts. But July 16, a notorious south side Compton, Calif., neighborhood was saturated by 110 eager men.
The area is a stronghold of the South Side Crips, according to Tony Muhammad. The unity push was important because the men were backing their general, Minister Farrakhan, in something that gave them life, he said. The evening push represented a turning point in the Nation of Islam returning to the first work, the work of salvation, he said.
“The Qur’an says it like this, ‘Respond to Allah and His Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life,’ and we responded and we got life from it, and our people got life from it. It was a tradeoff. We needed to do this work as much as our people needed to see us,” said Tony Muhammad
Taking hundreds of men to Atlanta’s streets was a flashback to 1988 when as the Fruit of Islam captain in Washington, D.C., Abdul Sharrieff Muhammad led what became known around the world as “The Dopebusters” to clean up two drug-ridden apartment complexes.
“This brought back so many memories,” said Mr. Muhammad, who is now Nation of Islam Southern regional representative and student minister for the Atlanta mosque.
The Dopebusters received awards and recognition for halting drug dealing and reducing crime in one of D.C.’s worst crime centers. Their activities spawned similar initiatives and security companies across the country.
After contacting Atlanta’s chief of police, Abdul Sharrieff Muhammad headed to a bad neighborhood. The area in most need of help was “Zone 4” which the police chief said had the highest crime rate in the city.
The F.O.I. from Muhammad Mosque No. 15 loaded up in a 45-seat bus, vans and cars. When they arrived, they knocked on doors in Zone 4 and let residents know the Muslims had come as servants.
“We talked to the senior citizens; sisters came out of their homes and started crying. We gave them The Final Call newspaper. People were so appreciative. Everyone was overjoyed. We greeted them with love and unity,” he said.
When the Muslims pulled up to one location a makeshift memorial was arranged next to a fence, residents said a 30-something year old woman had been killed. There were different rumors about the cause of her death and whether it was related to prostitution or stealing from someone. Whatever the cause, the people at the apartment complex embraced the Muslims, their newspapers and information. Some snapped pictures of the F.O.I. with cell phones before the men loaded up to leave.
When the F.O.I returned to the mosque, they were served with a feast prepared by Muslim women, who had cheered as their husbands, fathers, sons, brothers, and cousins went to minister to a suffering people. “We had the support of the sisters who want to see their communities free from violence,” said Abdul Sharrieff Muhammad.
Abdul Khadir Muhammad, the Mid-Atlantic and East Coast regional representative of the Nation of Islam based in Muhammad Mosque No. 4 in Washington, D.C., also felt it was important for the Muslim men to be in unity and in solidarity with their Fruit of Islam brothers across the country.
Ninety-seven members of the F.O.I. from Washington, D.C., fanned out in the early evening. Student Minister Abdul Khadir Muhammad, Fruit of Islam regional student Captain Aaron Muhammad and regional student Secretary Dirickson Muhammad walked and talked as the men embraced residents of the Parkland Housing Projects, a large housing complex, in South East D.C.
“This unity had an effect that also nourished us, fed us and uplifted the brotherhood’s love for each other as we soldiered together in this location not too far from the mosque,” Abdul Khadir Muhammad added.
Similar sentiments were felt in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Just an hour or so north of Chicago, Milwaukee has had its share of gang related crime. The F.O.I. hit one of the city’s highest crime areas, from Center Street to North Avenue between 35th and 40th Streets.
“We wanted the city of Milwaukee, as well as our comrades around the country to know that there was no hesitation on our part in answering the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s call,” said Shawn Muhammad, a member of the student ministry of Muhammad Mosque No. 3. The mosque is under the direction of N.O.I. Wisconsin student representative William Muhammad.
An elderly man in the neighborhood showed Shawn Muhammad bullet holes in the siding of his home, mailbox, and porch. The older man used to try to talk to Black youth in the neighborhood and encourage peacemaking but was not successful, said Shawn Muhammad. The man lives in fear and doesn’t even leave through the front door of his home if a lot of young Black males are outside, he continued.
Prominent in the local hip hop scene and known for community outreach, especially among the so-called gangs, Shawn Muhammad admitted “mixed feelings” about Minister Farrakhan leading the men out to the streets. It signaled collectively the F.O.I. had not been diligent in efforts to reach and resurrect spiritually and mentally dead Black people, he said.
“One side of me was exhilarated, while another part of me was ashamed. It is always a boost for me in my spirit when I am a witness to yet another example of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s love and compassion for our people,” said Shawn Muhammad. “Though I am glad to be a witness, I feel that it is something that he shouldn’t have to do. Our Minister has taught us well and been exemplary in his service. We already know what to do, and we should be found doing it.”
In Houston, two groups went out into the city. One went to the Southwest side of Houston and the Forum Park neighborhood and another went to the South Lawn neighborhood close to Muhammad Mosque No. 45.
Across the entire Southwestern region, Muslim men were out in the streets.
Student Minister Robert Muhammad, the Southwestern regional representative of the Nation of Islam is based at Houston’s Muhammad Mosque No. 45. Allah (God) came to put Black people on top of civilization, however, it cannot take place unless there is unity, and there is a place for everyone to do their part in the work to resurrect the people, he said.
“We come from diverse backgrounds, so what will unify us? Common cause, purpose, thoughts and actions. Going after our people to let them know that Allah, his Christ and their Apostle love them is a healing balm for their and our sin sick souls. Minister, captain, lawyer, doctor, carpenter and ditch digger can share in the resurrection work. All work as one in the salvation and liberation plan for God’s people,” he said.
“What was joyous was the way the people came out on their balconies, brought their children outside, waved to us, gave us the thumbs up from their wheelchairs, sisters tugging on their short skimpy dresses in an attempt to look more modest in our presence and hardcore street warriors showing respect because we gave them love and respect,” said Robert Muhammad.
The Fruit of Islam was received gladly and Robert Muhammad has received phone calls from some he met during the mobilization.
He also noted the “wretched condition” of some apartments and sees a possible call to action on behalf of residents in the near future.
“The property owners are negligent and outright criminal in some cases as it relates to the living conditions of the families that inhabit some of these apartment units. The residents asked that we come back and organize them to help improve their living standards,” he said.
Fruit of Islam from the Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area met in the troubled city of Stockton, Calif. Stockton recently made news as the largest U.S. city to declare bankruptcy, and its per capita homicide rate outpaces Chicago.
Student Minister Keith Muhammad of Oakland’s Muhammad Mosque No. 26B, Student Minister Christopher Muhammad of San Francisco’s Muhammad Mosque No. 26 and Stockton study group coordinator Brian Muhammad worked together to impact the city.
They were escorted by a father whose unarmed teenage son, James Rivera Jr., was shot by Stockton police over 40 times.
“We were blessed to impact the area’s most violent city,” said Student Minister Keith Muhammad. “Next week, we take on Oakland.”
In North Carolina, members of the F.O.I spread out through several cities. Separate teams of F.O.I. swept into Greensboro, Winston Salem, Durham, Charlotte, and in Greenville.
Terence Muhammad said youth and elders were happy to see the men. Being with the people establishes a connection because personal relationships develop, he said.
“I personally was happy to see a brother that had been locked up doing good and he was happy seeing us. It was sad when I saw my cousin that just got of jail two months ago on the block selling drugs,” Terrence Muhammad said.
The Fruit of Islam in Columbia, S.C., answered the call to reconnect with God’s people. The men from Muhammad Mosque No. 38 went into the economically depressed Bethel Bishop community. Student Minister Carl Muhammad and Student Captain Bryan X Harmon led the brothers going door to door giving The Final Call and delivering personal invites to the mosque.
“It was definitely needed, and the people seemed to be waiting on us,” said Carl Muhammad. Many asked, “where have you been?” he said. “The people are looking to seeing us more.”
Greater Faith And New Beginnings

NEW YORK— With ever increasing attacks on houses of worship there has been an outcry in the Black community for an increased need for security and protection for religious leaders, churches and their congregants. For over 86 years the Nation of Islam has been known for their excellence in not only bringing peace in neighborhoods, venues and various arenas but also lending personal protection to dignitaries, preachers and celebrities within the confines of their Temples and Mosques.
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As tragedies have mounted like in Charleston, S.C. where Dylan Roof shot and killed nine parishioners including a senior pastor and others at a prayer service in Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church and with the rise of violent assaults and robberies around the country on churches and other places of worship, a call went out for guidance and training at The Cathedral at Greater Faith in the Bronx, N.Y.
The church, headed by Bishop Michel White-Haynes reached out to members of the F.O.I. at Muhammad Mosque No. 7 to meet and discuss ways to enhance the securing of the word at her church. “What began as a seven-week training program grew to be more than what we expected,” said Pastor James Baker who was instrumental on bringing the church and mosque together.
![]() Bishop Michel White-Haynes and F.O.I. Student Captain Richard Muhammad
A Ministry of Defense was established along with a safety and security unit, hospitality unit, nursing unit and a force of personal protection for the bishop, pastors, guests and congregants. “The new ministry has brought a new vibe to the cathedral where the atmosphere is more family friendly and secure,” stated Bishop White- Haynes.
“God is a protector, God is a provider and God gave us this vision to invite these brothers in to help enhance our security and to take it to new dimensions,” she added. Members who attended the sevenweek course were ecstatic and willing participants in the Saturday sessions headed by F.O.I. Student Captain Richard Muhammad from Muhammad Mosque No. 7. And his RSAT Security Consultant Group. His team of highly polished, welltrained and disciplined instructors included Student Lieutenants Tariq Muhammad and Steven Muhammad who led the classes each week with vigor, tact and an adaptation to this new environment which was a highly charged, spirited church membership.
Bishop White-Haynes over the years has coined the “3 E’s” in her ministry of Excellence, Effectiveness and Efficiency. These “3 E’s” were carried into the teachings for the Ministry of Defense training modules that helped to build a greater understanding of not just securing a person but securing “the word” no matter who is delivering the sermon.
Student Capt. Richard Muhammad who has had extensive security training for over 20 years and who has trained thousands of men, employees and conducted many workshops and seminars carried on the mantra of Excellence, Effectiveness, and Efficiency and intimated his legacy of going from an employee to an employer based on his security background.
This gave birth to the new security consultant group RSAT (Richard, Steven and Tariq) at The Cathedral at Greater Faith with “birth mother” Bishop White-Haynes who allowed the brothers to tailor make a program exclusively for her church. Constructing a curriculum in this arena was different and unique but Student Capt. Richard put together universal principles, along with proper handling of people, to achieve a highly suitable course in which graduates were given certificates of completion at the end of the training.
This new amalgamation of church and mosque has given Bishop White-Haynes much more respect for the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam for the training that was taught at her church. Pastor Baker added that it has been a trailblazing moment in their church which has been neglected in the past. “We will build on this with more leadership training and team building modules,” the pastor explained.
From the inception of RSAT several months ago to present, the highly trained security consultant group expanded from just three employers to over 50 employees (stakeholders), to numerous contracts and training seminars. Student Capt. Richard said even his experience went beyond what was expected but he knows that with faith, God is able to do exceeding and abundantly beyond what we ask.
‘Peace In The Streets’ Launched In Long Island, N.Y.

HEMPSTEAD, N.Y.—Student Minister Abdul Hafeez Muhammad of Muhammad Mosque No. 7 and the New York Representative of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has called for an end to the violence in the Black community, echoing Minister Farrakhan’s call for 10,000 Fearless to end Black fratricide.
Minister Hafeez Muhammad organized the “Peace in the Streets” initiative to help make the Village of Hempstead and those like Hempstead decent and safe places to live. A rally took place at Campbell Park Aug. 13 in honor of a slain Hempstead resident, 23-year-old LaDaniel McCloud. As keynote speaker Minister Hafeez Muhammad delivered a message of inspiration and guidance dealing with four key principals of unity, discipline, character and love.
He spoke about the call for 10,000 Fearless men and woman and invited rally-goers to sign up for conflict resolution training. Many answered the call.
“We called this initiative what Minister Farrakhan called it in 2012 when he took the mighty Fruit of Islam into the streets of Chicago, then in that same year he came into the streets of New York and we walked together he called it Peace in the Streets,” said Minister Hafeez Muhammad.
“We need 10,000 Fearless trained in conflict resolution to help stop the beefs in our community,” he said. “We Must stop the killing of us by us” and set up conflict resolution centers, as Minister Farrakhan has instructed, said Minister Hafeez Muhammad.
He shared words from Minister Farrakhan saying, “our unity will solve 95 percent of our problems. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said that when you see us being brutalized, or you see us harming ourselves, we don’t need to throw a molotov cocktail. We don’t need to talk bad about someone. We just need the power of our unity. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad said our unity is a weapon more powerful than nuclear bombs.”
Minister Hafeez Muhammad warned the crowd not to get too comfortable just because they attended a rally. That does not mean we are in unity, he said. The crowd followed him with a call and response repeating, “Stop the killing on us by us. We must make our community a decent and safe place to live but we can’t do it if we remain fragmented in Hempstead.”
“We should come together and unify. When we are a unified community no one can abuse us, not even ourselves. But when we remain fragmented, when we remain divided from one another then and only, then can an enemy creep in and destroy us.”
“When the police kill us, we respond to that, but when we kill us there is no response to that,” he quoted the Minister as saying.
Minister Hafeez Muhammad heard about the murder of LaDaniel McCloud through a local TV news report. He knew he needed to connect with the family of the slain young man. Minister Hafeez Muhammad and the Fruit of Islam went into the streets of Hempstead and met with the family during their Monday evening peace in the streets outreach. At the family’s request, Minister Hafeez Muhammad officiated over the funeral for LaDaniel McCloud and ministered to the family. Hempsted, N.Y., is located in the borough of Long Island, about 38 miles from New York City and about 29 minutes away via cab.
Minister Hafeez Muhammad said, “I am happy that we are listening to the voice of God which is coming from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to come out into the wilderness and lead a charge under the banner of making our community a decent and safe place to live and stop the killing of us by us.” Minister Farrakhan teaches that “our work is in the streets.”
Co-coordinators of the Peace in the Streets rally were James T. Muhammad and Marcus Muhammad of Muhammad Mosque No. 7 Study Group in Long Island, N.Y., and Hempstead resident and community activist Reverend Reginald Benjamin, executive director of Able Body Believer’s Alliance (ABBA) Leadership Center.
Mayor Wayne Hall Sr. of the Village of Hempstead partnered with the Peace in the Streets initiative. The event was strongly supported by Parks Commissioner Jeffery Spencer.
Messages of support and unity was delivered by Acting Executive Director of Minority Affairs of Nassau County Shelley Brazely; Marcellus Morris of the Community Coalition Against Youth Violence and Council of Thoughts and Action, Outreach Supervisor Ta-Isha Gist of SNUG—Guns Spelled Backwards, Deputy Speaker of the Democratic Party of the State of New York Earlene Hooper and Pastor Lynwood Deans of the Bethlehem of Judea Baptist Church where Minister Hafeez Muhammad conducted two pre-event community leadership meetings. Nassau County Legislator Seila Bynoe was in attendance.
Pastor Deans offered an opening prayer petitioning for unity, peace in the streets and healing for the McCloud family. Reverend Benjamin followed with words of encouragement. “Peace in the Streets is an initiative that I am very encouraged to work with and I fully support Minister Hafeez. I think it’s going to bring a dramatic and drastic change in our community because it’s going to the streets where the people are.”
He continued, “We have so many great leaders out there but they won’t come out of the church or come outside of the building nor will they meet the people at the point of their needs. I think the Peace in the Streets initiative will meet the people at the point of their needs, at the street corners, in the alleys, in those backyards and those building where so-called proper folks are intimidated to go into.”
Mayor Wayne Hall Sr. offered a solution for the Hempstead community and expressed his commitment to supporting Minister Hafeez Muhammad. Mayor Hall is a proponent of early intervention. “We need some kind of conflict resolution for our young people and it should start in school at the third grade level,” said Mayor Hall.
Jeffery Spencer, Hempstead Village Parks Commissioner and a co-coordinator of Peace in the Streets, said, “When Minister Hafeez came to me, he came with such a positive aura about him and a positive message of Peace in the Streets. When you got two positives, you can’t go wrong; so we made it happen. I think today was a huge success. I think the right people heard the right message and we’re going to hold everybody who made a claim that they are going do something, accountable because they have made a commitment and they don’t even know it.”
Deputy Speaker of the Democratic Party of the State of New York Erleene Hooper encouraged the community to come together and stop the violence. “This was one of the stops I had to make today. It was important that I show my support for Minister Hafeez,” she said. Ms. Hooper expressed her appreciation for Minister Hafeez Muhammad and the Fruit of Islam. “I want to thank Minister Hafeez and thank the brothers who have come here to be role models. They always bring a message of peace.”
Acting Executive Director of Minority Affairs of Nassau County Shelley Brazely, a Hempstead resident, also committed to working with Minister Hafeez Muhammad and his Peace in the Streets initiative. Her words echoed many of the speakers who spoke of the value of Peace in the Streets. “It is up to us to make Hempstead what it should be. We must learn to love ourselves again. We must support our own businesses. We are the change that we seek,” Ms. Brazeley said.
Joy Small, cousin to LaDaniel McCloud who introduced Minister Hafeez Muhammad, spoke of unity and the killings in her community. “We lose someone, we are sad and we say RIP. We put them on a T-shirt and everybody goes on about their day. There is no change because there is no change in the neighborhood,” she said. Ms. Small commented on the value of the Peace in the Streets initiative, “It’s going to do a lot of good. The community needs to be taught how to resolve conflict. I fully support what Minister Hafeez is trying to do because I think it is needed and valuable for us.” Trying to cope with the death of her beloved cousin has been difficult for her as well as her family. “I talk to the man upstairs. I ask him for guidance and self-healing and to pray over my family but also for the victim,” Ms. Small said.
Terrell 3X commented on the Peace in the Streets initiative. “Today’s message was strong. Minister Hafeez touched the crowd. We had both Christians and Muslims listening. The message touched people who haven’t heard of Peace in the Streets before. It’s only with unity we can stop the conditioned destruction of our people and bring peace and safety to our communities.”
The Peace in the Streets rally was held in honor of LaDaniel McCloud who was shot five times in the back near his home in Hempstead, Long Island. The shooter was a 17-year-old young man who, according to LaDaniel’s father Larry McCloud, was no stranger to the family. Larry McCloud said, “When my son grew out of clothes, I used to bring them to the school and give them to the people that did not have clothes. The gentleman who killed my son was one of the people who I gave clothes to.”
Minister Hafeez Muhammad ministered to Larry McCloud and helped him calm down. It was through the words and guidance of Minister Hafeez Muhammad that the elder McCloud changed his thinking. “I don’t think he know what he did. He stopped something that was going to be bad for a lot of people,” the hurting father added.
Brotherhood and bonding in N.Y.
The spirit of brotherhood and unity filled the New Year at Muhammad Mosque No. 7 on New Year’s Day. The Mighty F.O.I. came out to enjoy reflections, camaraderie and a black tie appreciation dinner organized by Student Captain Richard Muhammad and his staff in New York.
Hundreds of F.O.I., young and old, came out in their finery, wearing tuxedos, Class A suits and military F.O.I uniforms.
The tone of the evening was set with a delightful blend of music by Bro. Michael E. Muhammad with his E-Male band and the effervescent spirit of the host and emcee, Bro. Sherwood Muhammad. One of the features from the night was recognizing and awarding the Pioneers from New York who have collectively been part of the Nation of Islam from 1955 to present.
Their rich history and experiences were shared and they were applauded for what they went through in establishing the work of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and now the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and also for laying the foundation for the many soldiers that followed in their footsteps.
There were 30 strong pioneers in attendance, amongst the many other F.O.I., whose works spoke of their place in the history of Muhammad Mosque No. 7. One brother in particular, Bro. Ramza Mahmoud Muhammad affectionately known as “The Nation’s Jeweler” recited and received his X in 1955 the same day as Minister Farrakhan. He designed the official F.O.I. pin along with the MGT & GCC bar pin and countless other jewelry for many in the Nation.
Bro. Ramza was visited weekly and given guidance by Minister Malcolm X when he was incarcerated years ago. Though up in age, Bro. Ramza’s smile gleamed with exuberance and appreciation upon receiving his award.
Appreciation awards and recognition was given for Final Call sales, charity, attendance, humanitarianism, community outreach, top fisherman, F.O.I. of the year and a special “Brotherhood Award “ which included a letter of commendation from Student National Supreme Captain, Mustapha Farrakhan. Bro. Curtis Shabazz (Mosque 7C) and Bro. Edward 91 Muhammad (Mosque 7) were the recipients of that prestigious award.
East Coast Regional Student Captain, Majied Muhammad, inspired and reminded the men “what we care about is what we care for.”
![]() Student Captain Richard Muhammad (left) presents award to Student Min. Hafeez Muhammad. Photo: Todd X
Student Minister Abdul Hafeez Muhammad shared his experiences on working with Student Captain Richard Muhammad over the years. He attested to the sacrifices, the works and the character of Bro. Richard being unlike any that he has worked with in the city.
The highlight of the night was when Bro. Rashad Muhammad, from the E-team, spoke of Mosque No. 7 being the heart of the Nation of Islam that is being purified and the responsibility that goes along with that. He equated receiving our awards with the rewards for helping to deliver God’s people. He also reminded the F.O.I. the role of man is to become one with God the Creator. He said, “God’s love presupposes duty and how we serve accordingly to discipline our life.”
He went on to say the only way to restore life is through diet, discipline and that righteousness is what will sustain you.
Bro. Rashad encouraged the mighty soldiers, men of God, F.O.I. in New York to “do the work while it is still day and let us make 2014 the best year for all of us, the year that we prove that the Messiah is living and he is amongst us. Be about the work!”